
How to request delete your account

1)如果使用的是邮箱登录的账号:请使用登录邮箱发送以【账户注销】为标题的邮件发送到 developer@feiyu-tech.com, 管理员将会在三个工作日内进行注销操作,并以邮件回复给用户。

1)If you logged in with email address as account name, please send an email to developer@feiyu-tech.com with title of [Account cancellation] from your email address(account name), the administrator will delete your account from our system in 3 work days, and get back to your mail box.


2)If you logged in with your phone number, please call service center 400-990-6118 (For China Mainland only),the service center will delete your account from our system in 3 work days, and then get back to you via SMS or phone call.

如有任何问题,请致电 400-990-6118 或发邮件到 service@feiyu-tech.com

Any question,please call 400-990-6118(For China Mainland only) or mail to service@feiyu-tech.com